Episode 14: Danny’s Dose changes EMS protocols

In this episode, Tram and Haley delve into the critical work of Danny's Dose, a non-profit founded by Darlene Shelton. The organization aims to reform EMS protocols for administering time-critical medications during life threatening emergencies. Featuring insights from Darlene and Andrea Nelson, the episode explores their personal stories, legislative achievements, and practical tips for preparedness. Listeners will learn about the successes and ongoing challenges in enhancing emergency care for patients with rare diseases. Did you know if you or your child is one of the 400,000 people (just in MN) across 13 different conditions that need life-saving meds in the case of emergency, your local EMS may not know how they are now able to use them to save you or your child’s life?!

“Everybody needs to realize that at that moment, they [paramedics] have to decide between doing what they know in their heart is right and taking the chance that their entire livelihood could go straight down the drain. And that's a hard decision. So we really truly fight as much for every paramedic out there and really every medical director to make sure they're protected to allow the regulations within their service to be changed so that they are protected and they can do the right thing.” —Darlene Shelton

Key Takeaways
1: Get out your phone, find your closest EMS and go introduce yourself and your family!
2: If your state doesn’t have a regulatory change in place to administer these lifesaving meds, Call Darlene and she’ll get you started!

Special thanks to our guests: Darlene Shelton and Andrea Nelson from Dannysdose.com ⁠

Eli Brunelle⁠⁠ for Intro and outro Music "New Love"
Todd Piper Hauswirth at ⁠All-Good⁠ for logo and brand identity
Emily Rodvold at Lift Creative for Web Design and Development

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Episode 15: Emergency Planning from a Rural Perspective


Episode 13: What is ABA Therapy?